Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Water saving tips for industries- Part II

In the previous article we looked at a few ways in which, starting a water conservation program could help save water in a industry/factory. Now lets take a look at a few other steps that we could take to ensure water conservation in an industry.

1.      You must first survey your facility and identify the major water source points. This would help you in knowing the key areas of your facility, which provide you with the much-needed water.

2.      Try and build a hematic of all the various water source points along with the entry and usage points. You must know where your water comes from and what exactky it is used for.

3.      Keep a daily chart in which you note down, the water consumption in your industry. This will help you figure the daily water consumption and also you will always know if there ever is a large amount of water that is unnecessarily wasted.

4.      You must also always monitor your facility at periodic intervals to make sure there is nothing going wrong which could result in water wastage. 

Another place where an umpteen amount of water is wasted is in the bathrooms and for other such maintenance activities. Large industries and facilities require many bathrooms depending on the number of employees in the area. There are several things that could be done to ensure less water wastage while performing such activities. A few of these tips are:

1.      You should installer-waving devices, which would ensure less water consumption, which in turn would decrease the water wastage as well.

2.      Adjust the level of flow on all the water devices in accordance to the amount of water that is required. This would make sure a lot less water is wasted.

3.      Also try and use recycled water for toilet flushing and other such low-end applications, which do not require absolutely clean drinking water.

4.      Do not wipe the floors clean with water every time they get dirty, instead sweep the floors at timely intervals.

5.      Also tell the cleaning crews to try and use as little water as they can, this would also help cut down on water wastage.

6.      Keep a check on all the water fittings and facets to ensure there are no leaks, which would cause wastage of water.

These are a few easy to follow tips to be kept in mind in your facility. These tips may sound trivial, but you have no idea how much water such small steps can save. Only by starting with such baby steps can we take larger steps in the future to curb water wastage.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Water saving tips for industries

Industries always require a large amount of water to function, irrespective of their nature. All industries consume tons of water and in turn give out gases and fumes; there are industries for literally every possible sector. Which means there are industries strewn the world over. Since industries are such a big source of water consumption there are certain things that they could do in order to save water and keep its wastage to the minimum.

Lets have a look at these few tips through the course of this article:

1.      The first and foremost thing that could be done is starting a water conservation program at your industry. This would ensure awareness of water conservation among your employees; this is the first step in the long process of water conservation.

2.      Install various signs through the area of the industry in the most prominent places, this would ensure the idea of water conservation is never forgotten amongst all the employees.

3.      Try and monitor the water usage in the various parts of the industry and bifurcate it on the basis of a water budget.

4.      Give an employee the job of monitoring the water usage of a specific area. This would make the particular employee feel a sense of responsibility towards the water wastage of that particular area.

5.      Place suggestion boxes all across the prominent areas of the industry, this would make it more interactive and you could get some brilliant suggestion from your employees. Another way of getting more out of your employees would be by setting up an initiative for the best water conservation plan/suggestion. Knowing that there is a reward at the end of it would ensure your employees try their best to come up with the most innovative ideas.

These are a few ways in which you could facilitate water conservation in your industry or factory. Try and follow these steps to start the long process of water conservation in your industry. All big tasks start with small ideas and initiatives. In the next article we shall take a look at the various other things that could be done to curb water wastage in your factory.

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Water saving tips in irrigation and landscape scenarios

Did you know that every year, the amount of water that the global agricultural sector uses, takes more then 160 cubic centimeters of water out of the soil, then nature replenishes in the form of rain? And this is just one sector. In the previous articles, we have seen various ways to save water in our kitchens, bathrooms, and when doing our laundry. This time lets take a look at the various things we could do to save water in landscape and irrigation related scenarios. Any form of irrigation and landscaping requires a large amount of water; even if you’re just growing a few basic fruits or vegetables, the most important requirement to grow anything is water and sunlight. There are several ways in which we could save large amounts of water in our farms and growing patches. Let’s have a look at them:

  1. We all have to water our vegetables and fruits in order to ensure they grow healthily, no plant will ever grow without the sufficient amount of water. When watering your plants try and discourage the use of hoses as they cause a lot of water wastage as you have to waste lots of water on a small patch of land. Also the constant running of the hose makes for a lot of water wastage. Instead of using hoses, try and implement sprinklers in your lawns and gardens. Sprinklers use a lot less water and also have a much larger radius to ensure all the plants get equal and sufficient water.
  1. Resort to drip irrigation; this applies water at a very slow pace to the root area which requires the water most. Also, it eliminates runoff and evaporation of water.
  1. Try and use recycled water whenever possible.
  1. If you are growing plants just for their aesthetic appeal, choose plants which do not require a lot of water to grow. This in the long run, will save you a lot of water.
These are a few ways in which we could save water in our gardens and farms. Please keep them in mind the next time as we all need to pool together and conserve water so that our future generations do not suffer because of our foolish mistakes.