Water is used in almost every
sector and industry in some form or the other, not to mention, everyday, to
perform our most vital needs. To add to all of this, we take, having an endless
amount of water for granted and have been doing this for years. This has led to
us abusing the abundance of water and hence now we are facing water shortage,
the world over. With grave problems such as global warming lurking over our
head, we need to pool together and conserve and save as much water as we can.
This is the only way we can ensure clean drinking water for the generations
ahead. If we do not mend our ways and keep taking this luxury for granted, our
future generations will suffer and in all probability, not be able to survive.
Water conservation is the need of
the hour and if we do not act fast it maybe too late. Due to years of us
abusing the abundance of water, we are, for the first time facing a lack of the
amount of clean drinkable water. This wasn’t even considered a possibility a
few decades ago.
Lets take a look at a few facts
in context to water, which should help you realize the importance of water
conservation. Lets take a look at the global breakdown of fresh water: 97.5% of
water is in the oceans and this accounts for salt water, 2.24% of water in the
world is inaccessible as it is found in the polar icecaps and glaciers.
Accessible fresh water from rivers and lakes make up for only 0.26% of the
water stock the world over. This very simply means for every 100 liters of
water available, only 3/4th of a tablespoon is fresh drinkable
water. Quite surprising isn’t it?
Even daily activities like
brushing and showering waste more water then you can imagine. Did you know that
when you leave the tap running for 5 whole minutes while brushing you waste 45
liters of water? If you instead use a mug of water, it would save 44.5 liters
of water. Imagine how much water that would save over a period of time. Also
while you’re soaping up and leaving your shower on while doing so, 90 liters of
water are wasted. If you switched off your shower for tat time period instead,
you would save approximately 70 liters of water. Things like watering your
plans, or washing your car using a hose pipe waste even more water.
These are things we do on a daily
basis, which waste so much water. If we all just make a few changes, and turn
off the tap every time we do not need it, it would make all the difference in
the world. Only by making these small initial changes can we slowly help in
doing our part to conserve water.
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